5 Year Plan: 2016-2021

an illustrated web of community pillars

Every five (5) years, the Spence Neighbourhood Association undergoes a process of re-evaluating our work and the overall vision of community development in the Spence neighbourhood.

We do so by consulting community members and stakeholders about their wants, needs, ideas, and hopes for a better neighbourhood.

After consulting, we embark on compiling a comprehensive plan, which informs the next five (5) years of our work.

The above illustration, created by Jillian Ramsay, represents our Community Five (5) Year Plan for 2016-2021.

Click the link below to view or download the five year plan for 2016-2021.

2016-2021: Full 5-Year Plan

In addition to the full plan, you can browse by section.

Community Economic Development: 2016-2021

Community Connecting: 2016-2021

Environment and Open Spaces: 2016-2021

Housing: 2016-2021

Youth and Families: 2016-2021

Community Work is Heart Work!
