This TikTok series introduces the various organizations in the West End community that offer a variety of housing supports.
Each organization discusses what types of support they offer and how to contact them.
Make sure to check out Spence Neighbourhood Association’s Tiktok Page:
For more information about our housing programs check out:
@snacommunity Spence Neighborhood Association’s Housing Department. #Winnipeg #spenceneighborhood #spenceneighborhoodwinnipeg #housing #homelessness #assistance
For more information and resources check out their website:
@snacommunity West Central Women’s Resource Center #housing #morethanfourwalls #westcentralwomensresourcecentre #assistance #winnipeg #womensresourcecenter
♬ Lofi hiphop perfect for travel background music(996331) – IWAI Noriko
For more information and resources check out their website:
@snacommunity Housing Programs/Services/Resources @ Eagle Urban Training Centre #winnipeg #eagleurbantransitioncentre #eagleurban #housing #homelessprevention #housingassistance
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