Housing Drop In – July 23

Housing Drop Ins at 615 Ellice are every Tuesday afternoon! We can assist with housing, birth certificates, opening a bank account, I.D’s. and rental issues.

Giveaway Friday – August 2

If you are a West End community resident join us today for Giveaway Friday! Every Friday (other than holidays) starting at 10:30 am we have food and other items to...

Terry Fox Day – August 5

Spence Neighbourhood Association's offices will be closed on August 5th. *Reminder that SNA's WE24 Program will be open and operating within regular hours. For more information:  Civic Holiday - Terry Fox...

Housing Drop In – August 6

Housing Drop Ins at 615 Ellice are every Tuesday afternoon! We can assist with housing, birth certificates, taxes, opening a bank account, I.D’s. and rental issues.

Housing Drop In – August 8

Housing Drop Ins at 615 Ellice are every Thursday afternoon! We can assist with housing, birth certificates, taxes, opening a bank account, I.D’s. and rental issues.

Youth Hoop Dance Workshop – August 8

Youth Hoop Dance Workshop! For 13-17 years of age. Come and join Callie Starr at the MERC (430 Langside St.) from 4PM - 6PM to participate in a Hoop Dance...

Medicine Picking – Cedar – August 9

Medicine Picking - Cedar On Friday, August 9th join us from 10 am to 2 pm for a medicine-picking outing! We will start and end at 430 Langside with 40...

Giveaway Friday – August 9

If you are a West End community resident join us today for Giveaway Friday! Every Friday (other than holidays) starting at 10:30 am we have food and other items to...

Creeping Bellflower Workshop – August 12

IMPORTANT - The date for the Creeping Bellflower Workshop has been changed. Due to the slight chance of rain this week, the workshop has been rescheduled to Monday, August 12th...

Tisha B’Av – August 13

For more information:  Tisha B'Av - Wikipedia For more information:  Tisha B'Av in Canada - Time and Date